Thursday, June 4, 2009

It is really never too late

Age is a woman's greatest downfall and it will be worse as we are unable to find our "Mr Right" with every minute passing by.

Women over the age of 35 finds it hard to secure a relationship due to many reasons. Very often, we fail to realize our ability to attract a good mate is innate, basic biology.
Our feminine charm has been hiding, dormant and untapped, waiting to be unleashed.

No matter at what age you are at, as long as you release the inner potential inside, the man of your dreams will be attracted to you like magnets.

Ronnie, 40, was single and she could not bear the desperation of getting a companion as the clock ticks.
Today, Ronnie is a successful trainer for ladies who would like to learn about dating men and also a successful wife. She shares with us her success story and her book "MANifesting MR. Right", teaching us everything we need to know about dating men.

Read more about her story here

And remember, it is really NEVER TOO LATE.

Free Online Dating Chat Rooms

Internet dating chat rooms are getting much popular in the recent years. Guy meets girl, girl meets guy... the evolutionary way!

I personally think that internet chat rooms are fun and the stress level is 0%. Unlike traditional match making, you get to socialize with different men at no cost. But of course, do be careful of who you meet up with.

What I like about chat rooms is that, you can even flirt around like no tomorrow. Be tricky, cheeky, a little bit dirty and seductive. You'd be surprised how much attention you will be getting by adding such personalities in your online conversation.

Ready to test out your flirting skills?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Attempting to date a guy online?

Don't just go thinking that you are desperate because you begin looking for your other half online, because at least 50% of married couples get to know each other over the internet!

The question is, what makes people attract to each other over the net while they can't see each other?
This is all about personality and Neuro-linguistic programming (intended or unintended).

Certain pattern of words will give the other party the impression of being sexy. It is easy to flirt online which gives the element of thrill, making them feel "happy". These can all be learned from reading dedicated Ebooks like this.

You can try out the techniques in several chat rooms like or

Have fun, enjoy

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Are looks important for women?

YES! Absolutely yes! It would be a great lie if a man says appearances are not important, what matters is her heart. That sentence is not exactly false too, but look at how men go gaga over a beautiful lady walking down the street! They just can't resist the temptation!

Being beautiful and pretty can be advantageous, if only you know how to use it. I've seen some amazingly beautiful girls who refuse to anything to their overall looks, such a pity! Our body features are given by our parents, it is nothing we can change (I do not recommend plastic surgery).
You do not need to be as pretty as some celebrities to achieve good looks. I've seen some of my girl-friends who looks really gorgeous when they doll themselves up. At backstage, they look like some high school girl that no one will ever notice.

The key point of attracting men is to create attention using your body shape, make-up and inner beauty.

Body Shape
Many women have a problem keeping their figures in place. Some of them actually rely on drugs and pills to keep them skinny.

There are no shortcuts to getting a good weight loss, it takes plenty of determination and time to achieve the perfect figure.

Here are some tips for a good weight loss plan:

Drink lots of water, no soda, no juices, no glucose, nothing else except plain fresh water. Drink at least 8 cups of water per day, it helps to remove most of the toxic in your body.

Eat moderately, but do not go on a diet! Having a diet does not help at all, it will only damage your stomach and body system over time. Avoid snacks, candies, chocolates and other tidbits between meals.

Exercise regularly, do it everyday for one hour. Ever heard how people lose 10kg in one month by jogging? You need to sweat, sweat and sweat more if you want to lose weight.

Post a picture on your wall and let it remind you how fat you were. Before giving up, take a good look at the picture and ask yourself, do you want to be like that again? No one can motivate you better than yourself, it is all in your mind.

Slimming centers would be effective if you are willing to spend some money on it. Some of the packages and courses they offer are not too bad. Just make sure you know what you are paying for and try not to overspend.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is suitable for most Asians and it is easily available in all Chinese medical halls. Don't buy those that are on the shelves, get a Chinese Physician to pick the correct herbs for you.

Try what others have to offer on the internet. There is no harm trying as it is a cheaper solution as compared to slimming centers. Take a look at this weight loss guide.

Getting the correct cosmetics will guarantee half of your success even if you fail in using them. Heavy make-ups are only useful in discos, pubs or any other dark places. What you need is light make-up for simple, natural looks.

There are several articles regarding cosmetics and make-up in the net, some of the good ones are:

Of course there are more than these sites that offer free make up tips. Learning how to do make up can be quite fun if you do it with someone.

Inner Beauty

Inner beauty is about identifying your own qualities and weaknesses. No one in this world is flawless, yet we know of some friends who look and feel so perfect.
Flashback on what others say about you, the good and the bad. Think about the good points which they mention, expand on it. Remove any other negative comments and move on.

The secret about inner beauty is to expand on your strong points and present it out confidently.

Men of all ages are attracted to women who has abilities and confidence in themselves. On the other hand, women who are over-confident, will drive guys away. Guys have a "man ego" that doesn't allow women to have better abilities than them.
Guys want more control (power) than their women, its a fact. In reality, when we know more than men, just act stupid and let the males think that they know it all.

Start building your confidence by joining social networks, get to know more friends. Speak to them, share with them. Every new friend that you make, builds your confidence significantly.

These 3 factors that I shared with you will help in shaping your appearance... and men love it!

How do you tell if someone likes you?

Want to know if he is interested in you?

The answer lies in their eyes.

Try this when both of you are at a certain distance (maybe 10m to 20m), a range where by a conversation cannot take place. You have to do this as natural as possible, it must not look deliberate. This can only be done once, so don't miss the chance. The second try will not be as effective as the first.

At the right distance, look into his eyes without giving any facial expressions. Do not stare, just watch his eyes as if you are admiring him. When his vision crosses yours, quickly observe what he does and look elsewhere.

His eyes...

Shifted away once you saw him looking at you
Yes, it is very likely he is interested in you. If you approach him, he will probably stumble and not know how to deal with you. At least you got the answer that you want.

Stays and he smiles at you
He treats you more like a friend. There are still chances of development, in terms of relationship. But for now, its good to know that he doesn't hate you.

Stares at you without any facial expressions
He is wondering, "What the ____ is she doing?". Most probably he is confused over your actions or he is plain dumb. Also, he may think that you are interested in him! This is not a bad way to attract the man of your dreams.

This can be applied on either men or women.
Good luck!

Monday, May 18, 2009

General Structure of Dating Men

The process of making friends to being his girlfriend varies with every individual. Generally, it consists of 3 stages:

1) Knowing Him
2) Courting Period
3) Establishing

Stage 1 - Knowing Him
"HE" refers to the man whom you have met somewhere (school, workplace, religious sites, acquaintance, etc.) , which interests you the most. His actions, behavior, sense of humor somehow caught your attention. He may not be the best looking man in the world, but his personality attracts you like crazy magnets.

As women, we tend to use our emotions and capture what is best of him. It is unexplainable, the feeling and urge for him is so strong that you believe he is the one.
If you have a thought for him, I bet ten other women have the same feeling for him.

That's right, the greatest weapon of a man is not his looks, but the charisma and confidence flowing out from him.

It is pretty hard to avoid competition between other girls, often leading to cat fights. Although we like how men fight over us, on the opposite, men dislike women who fight over them. It gives extremely poor impression to the guy you love, making him feel disgusted.

In stage one, your job is to know him better through communication. Understand his needs, desire, hobbies, friends, work and almost every other thing. This has to be done tactfully and not aggressively. Do not just ask questions directly, simply observe what he says to other people.

Sometimes, using simple body language is better than speaking out loud.
For example, instead of saying "Lets go out together for lunch, I know of a good restaurant nearby. The food is great and cheap too. I like the seafood platter very much... blah blah blah..", why not try using a gesture meaning "let's go"

It makes the guy feels curious, wanting to know what is in for him. Although it is just lunch, it creates a mystery for him, leaving him wild thoughts of what is going to happen next.

The last thing you would ever want to do is to blabber away. Men hates women who can't stop talking. The best topic to chat about is his interest. Most men have interests in soccer, video games, body building, cars, fishing, etc. Try to avoid talking about work or your personal complains, it damages your impression to him greatly.
It is very important to get the right topic, it will help a lot in building up the relationship tremendously before you really date him.

The key to stage one is to attract the guy, making him take interest in you. There are many ways to do it, which I will describe in details later, but submitting yourself entirely to him is certainly not a good idea. Men see such women as sluts (the other word is more awful).

Stage 2 - Courting Period
It is easy to tell when a guy is courting you. This is the stage whereby you have to play "hard-to-catch". The feeling of being wooed is fantastic, little thrills and events make you giggle slightly when you think about it before bed.

The average time span for stage 2 is about 2-6months, so do not drag this period for too long as men do give up once they lose their confidence. Occasionally, you got to give him little hints or gestures that you like him, just to boost his confidence.

When he confesses to you how much he loves you, do not give in too soon! Play around with him a little, let him wait, tell him how you feel about him only when you feel comfortable.

If you are courting a guy instead of him wooing you, it means that stage one is not being done properly. By wooing the guy, it makes you look very desperate and shameless. I may be wrong, but that is what many people will gossip about.

Stage 3 - Establishing
Alright, both of you are together now, the game will be much different from then on. We need to accept this fact that, men will never treat you the same as before as compared to stage one and two. Difference in opinions will spark quarrels and fights. Guys will spend more time doing what they like instead of paying attention in you.

Don't cry yet, it is not the end. Maintaining the relationship requires patience, maturity and love from both parties. There is no point in looking back past events, finding faults and comparing the present. Instead, look into the future for a better pasture, talk about more in-depth personal information with him.

I know it is immoral to have premarital sex, but most women secret to keep their men is through sex. ***As age, ethics, teachings are concerned, please abide the laws, rules and regulations***
Research has shown that, most couples that fall out or divorce, have poor sex relationship.

Should you need any help or advice, do not hesitate to send me an email at

Dating The Man Of Your Dreams. Design By: SkinCorner